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The Low-power Embedded Networked Systems (LENS) Group @ TU Graz

The Low-power Embedded Networked Systems (LENS) group is a team of researchers focusing on future connected wireless embedded systems, aiming to make them more dependable and sustainable. The team's activities can be broadly characterized as "systems and application-driven experimental research" at the intersection of wireless networking, embedded systems, and IoT applications. More...

Research Projects - Full List

ENHANCE-UWB: Benchmarking and Advancing Localization and Communication Performance of UWB Systems in Harsh Environments

Time window: September 2021 - March 2025
Type: Research project within the FFG-funded Pro2Future COMET Center (K1)

Description: The ENHANCE-UWB project aims to develop a testbed allowing for the reproducible study of UWB transmissions in complex application environments. The developed testbed should also allow benchmarking of communication performance in the presence of co-located wireless devices sharing the same spectrum, and allow experimentation of non-line-of-sight conditions.

SPiDR: Secure, Performant, Dependable, and Resilient Wireless Mesh Networks

Time window: July 2021 - December 2024
Type: Third-party funded research project

Description: SPiDR brings together the latest advances in wireless networking, localization, benchmarking, collaborative awareness, and machine learning, towards the development of secure, resilient, and highly-performant wireless mesh networks. Within SPiDR, we will create benchmarking infrastructures supporting experimentation on wireless networks based on Wi-Fi, Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), and Ultra-wideband (UWB) technology; we will design dependable and scalable networking protocols that are resilient to malicious agents; we will provide autonomous entities such as drones with RF context- and location-awareness, as well as with the ability to identify and mitigate security threats, network anomalies, and coexistence issues.

TRANSACT: Transform Safety-critical Cyber-physical Systems into Distributed Solutions for End-users and Partners

Time window: June 2021 - May 2024
Type: EU-funded (H2020) research project

Description: The overarching goal of TRANSACT is to develop a universal distributed solution architecture for the transformation of safety-critical cyber-physical systems from local, stand-alone systems into safe and secure distributed solutions.

DependableThings: Dependable Internet of Things in Adverse Environments

Time window: January 2016 - March 2022
Type: LEAD Project - TU Graz

Description: By 2020, the Internet of Things (IoT) will consist of 50 billion resource-constrained "Smart Things" that will provide critical every-day services in applications as diverse as Smart Cities, Smart Production, or Connected Cars. These applications require a dependable IoT despite hostile environments and deliberate attacks, where dependability summarizes aspects such as reliability, safety and security that enable users to put trust into the IoT. Today’s approaches to construct an IoT do not guarantee dependability. The research center "Dependable Internet of Things" brings together the best researchers from the departments of Computer Science & Biomedical Engineering and Electrical & Information Engineering at TU Graz in order to provide the scientific foundations for an IoT that works dependably and that is resilient against failures and attacks. Besides carrying out cutting-edge basic research aiming to offer methods and tools to predict, guarantee, and ultimately raise the level of dependability of the IoT, the center aims to transfer the research results into real-world applications together with local and international industry partners.
Within this project, I am involved in the "dependable wireless communication and localization" sub-project that aims to automatically adapt system parameters using models of the transceiver hardware and the environment.
Outcomes of my involvement within DependableThings are, among others, works on runtime adaptation of PHY settings, concurrent ranging, and single-anchor localization using UWB radios.

CONVENIENCE: Cognitive Building Automation Infrastructure and Services

Time window: April 2020 - March 2021
Type: Research project within the FFG-funded Pro2Future COMET Center (K1)

Description: The goal of the CONVENIENCE project is the conception of an IoT strategy ensuring that the software basis and IT infrastructure of HMI-Master GmbH remains future-proof and internationally marketable. The focus of the project is on new methods and concepts ensuring the scalability of the system, the secure communication between clients, as well as the decentralized and concerted maintenance of all software components. Furthermore, a wireless over-the-air update functionality for the customer's instantiated home automation systems is to be designed and prototypically implemented.

Cognitive Smart Grids: Dependable, Interoperable, and Adaptive Communication for Smart Grids

Time window: April 2018 - March 2021
Type: Research project within the FFG-funded Pro2Future COMET Center (K1)

Description: The aim of this project is the theoretical and experimental evaluation of wireless communication technologies and protocols in smart grid environments in terms of reliability and interoperability parameters, as well as the development of an adaptive communication system for these environments based on the evaluation results.
Within this project, I am involved - among others - in the study of the dependability and interoperability of various low-power wireless protocols and technologies, as well as in the definition of a recommender system for the development of dependable IoT applications.

DireCTComm: Direct and bidirectional communication between IEEE 802.15.4 and BLE devices

Time window: September 2019 - October 2020
Type: Prototypenfoerderung by the Austria Wirtschaftsservice (AWS)

Description: The goal of this project is to allow a direct, bidirectional communication between standard-compliant Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) and IEEE 802.15.4 devices without the use of a gateway. This direct and seamless data exchange across off-the-shelf IoT devices making use of different wireless technologies represents a fundamental building block for the development of coexistence strategies that minimize cross-technology disruptions. In addition, such a communication enables cross-technology synchronization of the devices' system clocks without having to resort to expensive and inflexible gateways embedding multiple radio modules.

SCOTT: Secure COnnected Trustable Things

Time window: May 2017 - September 2020
Type: EU-funded (H2020) research project

Description: Creating trust in wireless solutions and increasing their social acceptance are major challenges to achieve the full potential of the Internet of Things (IoT). SCOTT aims to extend the IoT for wirelessly connected smart sensors and actuators to be used in mobility, building & home / smart infrastructure, and health domains. It will not just deal with 'things that are connected', but with "trustable things that securely communicate". SCOTT will therefore enable efficient, trustworthy connectivity and facilitate ubiquity of intelligent embedded systems and systems of systems. Inter alia, SCOTT will establish a "Trusted System Development Framework", will provide measurable security, and will create an unprecedented "privacy labelling" to create sustainable trust in the IoT.
Within this project, I am involved - among others - in the "cross-technology synchronization", "ubiquitous testing of automotive systems", and "trustable wireless in-vehicle communication network" work packages, which aim to ensure a dependable communication and handover of information among wireless networks used in the automotive industry.

RELYonIT: Research by Experimentation for Dependability on the Internet of Things

Time window: November 2012 - January 2015
Type: EU-funded (STREP) research project

Description: By embracing vast quantities of wireless sensors and actuators, the Internet of Things (IoT) is deemed to enable applications of utmost societal value including smart cities, smart grids, and smart healthcare. Most of these applications pose strict dependability requirements: sensor data and actuation commands must be delivered reliably and timely while batteries powering devices must last for a given time in the order of years. Failure to meet these requirements may result in risks for humans and infrastructures, insufficient user satisfaction, and high costs.
However, existing IoT solutions do not provide dependable performance. A major reason for this is that embedded wireless sensors and actuators are deeply affected by their often hostile environment. For example, temperature and humidity variations can affect the battery capacity and electronics, whereas radio interference from other wireless equipment and electrical appliances may impair communication.
By analyzing and modeling several environmental properties, the goal of RELYonIT is to provide a systematic framework and toolchain to enable dependable IoT applications.
Outcomes of my involvment within RELYonIT are, among others, the JAG protocol to guarantee reliable and predictable wireless agreement under external radio interference.

CONET: The Cooperating Objects Network of Excellence

Time window: June 2009 - October 2012
Type: EU-funded research project

Description: The EU-funded CONET Consortium is working on building a strong community in the area of Cooperating Objects, and encompasses research, public sector, and industry partners from the areas of embedded systems, pervasive computing, and wireless sensor networks.
Within CONET, I work in the Resource Management and Adaptation (RMA) cluster together with other five members. Key objective of the RMA cluster is the development of mechanisms for reliable assessment of the current RF interference situation as a basis for dynamic resource adaptation that will provide better end-to-end system performance and quality of service. The adaptation process requires a cross-layer coordination of several protocol components like medium access control (MAC), packet scheduling, and others while satisfying external constraints like technology, fairness, transmission quality, and legal constraints.
My research focus was on improving the robustness of wireless sensor networks against radio interference, and outcomes of this work are, among others, the JamLab tool for interference testing and the Triangle Metric for a fast link quality estimation for mobile wireless sensor networks.

Cluster of Excellence "Inflammation at Interfaces"

Time window: June 2009 - October 2012
Type: DFG-funded research project

Description: The DFG Excellence Cluster on Inflammation at Interfaces involves more than 200 researchers in genetics, biology, medicine and engineering who are investigating causes and treatment of inflammatory diseases by which millions of patients are affected in the developed world.
Within this context, I investigate (i) the use wireless sensor networks as a tool for monitoring patients, and (ii) how to apply bio-inspired self-organization techniques to make sensor networks more robust. In particular, I investigate the use of body sensor networks for fine-grained and long-term monitoring of body parameters in collaboration with the Institute for Neuroendocrinology and the Institute of Psychiatry at the University of Lübeck.
Outcomes of this work are, among others, a body sensor network for measuring temperature accurately and a body sensor to measure the core body temperature of Marathon runners deployed during the 5th Lübeck Marathon.

GINSENG: Performance Control in Wireless Sensor Networks

Time window: September 2008 - May 2009
Type: EU-funded research project

Description: The EU-funded GINSENG project has carried out successful research on performance control in wireless sensor networks for industrial monitoring and control applications.
Within this context, I investigated the impact of temperature and weather conditions on outdoor-deployed wireless sensor networks, highlighting the importance of testing communications during the hottest times of the year. Outcomes of this work are the analysis of the impact of temperature and weather on outdoor industrial wireless sensor networks.


Time window: September 2006 - August 2007
Type: Pre-graduation project

Description: Winner of the italian finals at the Microsoft Imagine Cup 2007 Software Design competition, hold in Trieste, Italy, in June 2007. Consequently selected to represent Italy at the worldwide finals that took place in Seoul, South Korea from 5 to 11 August 2007. More Info